
(not disappearded)

Just wanted to update and say, "No, I've not forgotten that there's a website devoted to this cause, I've just been crazy-busy with phone calls and faxes and coordinating this and that with him and her and him over there."

Bureaucracy. LOVE it.

It's looking like the first (smallish) group of kids will be shopping this Friday evening.

Now I'm off to go round up some paperwork to e-mail PayPal in order to convince them that this is a legit endeavor. This has all been a great learning experience for me personally, and is preparing me in a great way for any charitable fundraising I'll undertake in the future.

I leave you with a quote and an image that I fell across last week:
"A makeshift relief collection and distribution center popped up in the Toys-R-Us parking lot, Toys-R-Us generously lending about half its lot for the disaster relief efforts. This little girl, Breanna Sutton, and her sister were mostly smiles while I talked to their grandma. Children should have toys. It adds some normalcy to otherwise anything-but-normal times."

The emphasis, of course, is purely my own...based on the donations and questions and interest to date, however, there are lots of people who agree with that little bit of sentiment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm does this mean Saturday is off? Talk to me, missy, don't leave me hangin!

9/13/2005 06:13:00 PM  

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